Tuesday, 3 January 2017

More pots

Nothing happening at the block due to the Christmas break. The bricks are still sitting there waiting to be put up. Over the break I had to move some of my pots and saw some were becoming pot bound already. The roots especially with the blue fescue were coming out the bottom and even buried into the ground. They wouldn't be happy and dont think they would last another 7 months. So the last few days we have been busy re-potting them. We divided the blue fescue again in half and put them in smaller pots and used their pots for the other plants. So lots of shuffling around. We used 1 part cow manure to 3 parts potting mix. Hopefully now they will all last until we move in. I water them all everyday to keep them happy, except the agave which go yellow with too much water. My backyard is starting to resemble a nursery. They are all grouped now but in the garden they will be mixed up to resemble a bush setting. If you want more details on the design check out my landscape plan on the first page of the blog. 

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