Friday, 11 November 2016

Pirate Party

My Son just had his 6th birthday. He wanted a pirate party and had his heart set on a pirate ship cake. Overwhelmed with this I tried to get out of it suggesting an island or figures on top, but he wouldn't have it. So here it is. It worked out ok and most importantly he loved it and had a great time. His birthday is another reminder how long its taken us to build. We moved into our first property within months of his birth. We were thinking we would create a stable home and wouldn't move haha were we wrong. So now he has lived in 4 different houses. Terrible parents I know but you cant predict what is going to happen in life. The kids have adapted better than I would have ever expected. They dont really have any attachment to the house and get excited to move. They are only young so maybe that's why. They have always attended the same daycare and school even when we lived 45 mins away. Our daily life is the same no matter where we live. One more move and we can be settled.  I think they will enjoy not 'looking at grass' anymore lol. 

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